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Synology UI design system



Now most of the communication between Designer and Developer is by phone calls, letters, or casual discussion , But always miss some important information when in the above situation


poorly organized in files (eg: someone’s mail, in a certain folder of synostorage) when Designer delivers cutting images to Developer,and the person who takes over the job cannot quickly continue the progress and what to do next, because the information is scattered in some people’s memories and letters.


Below figure shows the development process of a UI design. The PM/RD proposes a mock up to the Designer, and then the Designer will first produce some Key Frames for the developers to confirm the style and design direction, and finally cutting images and hand them over to the RD for application. In the process, the relationship between the image cut and each UI Component is recorded in a slides and excel respectively. When using it, the two files need to be referred to each other, and each stage change is manually notified by phone calls and letters.


Therefore, in the process, it often takes a lot of time to confirm that the message is delivered correctly, and it is impossible to know what the correct message and detailed content were at that time afterwards, and there is a certain degree of difficulty in tracking records.


  1. Integrate the two files (Slides and Excel) of UI Kits, so that users do not need to switch between the two screens for reference.

  2. There is a log record for future viewing when there is any change

  3. Integrate with synostorage,  for check the file name and number of uploaded pictures are consistent with the filled information to reduce mistakes.

  4. It can automatically send a letter to notify the relevant personne When there is a change in the content

  5. Designer hopes to upload pictures directly to git server, simplifying the process of manually uploading pictures through RD.


Product/Solution Overview

  1. Provide a UI task management system,the system will send a letter to notify the relevant personnel when every updated

  2. Provide a interface like  Slide + Excel in UI Kits ,to solve when check contents

  3. Instead of manually checking whether the image file name is correct, and whether to upload the file to synostorage

  4. Easy track all tasks  for designer 

  5. Other team members can view the content of different projects

Major Feature

  1. Project management

  2. Task management

  3. KIT frame annotation

  4. Link to asset storage (synostorage, different resolution, theme)

  5. Label management

  6. Filter (according to project, owner, designer, due date, keyword, update time etc)

UI Mockup

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